Monday, March 15, 2021

How Can GIS Map Information Be Useful?


Our maps help provide an idea of where samples were taken, and how large a project may be. The maps aren’t survey grade but can provide quite accurate measurements depending on the project specifications. 

Creation of a map starts when a field crew performs a survey and sketches a field map, including the points where samples were taken. GIS staff receive the maps as a scanned copy and georeferenced to the top of a building outline. The building outlines are generated through open-source project created by Microsoft and proven to be accurate. There may be some cases where aerial imagery or other means are also used to approximate the outline of a building. Finally, staff digitize the field map over the building outline to give an approximate layout of the project footprint and sample locations. One of the benefits to using GIS is creating and storing information as spatial data. It’s incredibly easy to make updates, render new maps for re-assessments, or get multiple views of the same structure. 

Learn more here


Contact Guzi-West today to discuss GIS capabilities for your next project in the Northern California area.

Redding: (888) 351-8189

Arcata/Eureka (North Coast): (707) 388-3008

Friday, March 5, 2021

How Does a Building Survey Become a Digital Map?


Our maps provide an idea of where samples were taken,
and how large a project may be. The maps provide accurate measurements, with a low cost of entry. Measurements can even be near survey grade depending on the project specifications. 

Our newest team member, Seamus Begley, is a recent Humboldt State graduate who has formal training in Natural Resources and GIS. He brings a fresh perspective to Guzi-West’s growing location intelligence program which develops geospatial resources and helps the sharing of cartographic products (maps and similar information) to our clients to aid in their decision-making. 

Guzi-West is proud to use QGIS and other flexible open-source packages to deliver solutions to our clients.

Learn more here


Contact Guzi-West today to discuss GIS capabilities for your next project in the Northern California area.

Redding: (888) 351-8189

Arcata/Eureka (North Coast): (707) 388-3008

Guzi-West’s Operations and Maintenance Plan

Has your building been inspected for asbestos? Do you have an Asbestos O&M Plan? Guzi-West’s Operations and Maintenance Plans focus ...